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Very nice!

Please... how is floor 4-6 possible?

That's a spicy one. 

 I'll give you the first two moves, can you figure out the rest? :) First move is [2 squares right], the second move is [2 squares right] again.


1. On the second move, notice that the green slime moves first, so it blocks the other one! That is, the weakest enemies move before the stronger ones, following the order in the Codex!

2. Second pro tip is that traps activate before enemies can move.  

3. Third pro tip is that if you step on a fire, it kills the other enemies around it! 

Can you beat the level now?

Yes, makes sense now.  Thank you.

Good work! :)

Similar to Michael Brough's stuff, though in a more "rigid", puzzle form.

This is a really neat idea! Gives me a chess vibe. Please keep up on this.

Deleted 4 years ago

Amazing gameplay and graphics! I love how it takes strategy and practice to beat every level!

Sorry for the late reply; I appreciate your comment!

New major update is live!